1. Hello Alex,

    This is very useful information as I’m currently learning Egyptian Arabic!
    In your post you mentioned one source (tal in arabic), do you know of other ones also or do you perhaps know of these ones and are they any good to learn from? linga mid, StackArabic, egypianmimo?

    Good evening

    1. Hey Kristin – thanks so much for reaching out. I’m glad you found the post helpful!

      It’s great that you’re learning Egyptian Arabic. Re. additional resources:

      Do you mean Linguamid? I’d never heard of this before, but I’ve just had a look and it seems like a pretty good YouTube channel for learning both Egyptian Arabic and MSA.

      I’m also not familiar with StackArabic but have heard some good things about EgyptianMimo for conversational Arabic. This is probably the other one I’d go with, although you could always try both this and the Linguamid YouTube channel and see which one you prefer.

      Good luck with your studies and best wishes 🙂

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