1. could not find a better place to be stranded (due to a roadblock north of Tonala) Payed little bit more for the colectivo but he went to the other port (where boats cost 1/3 of how much they ask close to Estacionamiento Don Lupe)

  2. Hi there, thanks for your info and the blog! Update on colectivo between Tonala and Pueblo Nuevo: the station is right on the right after the bridge 250 meters straight from the main square. It costs 35 MXN per person (02/2023).

  3. Hi, Thanks a lot for the info. I’m planning my trip to Chiapas fro January 2024. Did you visit Reserva Biológica de La Encrucijada? How many days do you advice for Boca del Cielo?

    1. Hey Karla – I didn’t have time to visit Reserva Biológica de La Encrucijada sadly, but I did really want to go there, it looks beautiful. If you make it there, please do let me know what it’s like!
      I’d say 2-3 nights is enough in Boca del Cielo itself. There isn’t a huge amount to do there, but it’s a nice place to relax and unwind 🙂

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